Monday, September 28, 2009


This one truly hits home...

I receive a daily email from the website, All-Pro Dad. This website was founded by former NFL Head Football Coach Tony Dungy (I highly recommend signing up for this daily email if you are a father).

An email I received last week was called, "How to Crush Your Daughter." It began with a letter that they had received from a young woman. The letter read:

"My dad is the most important person in the world to me, even though he doesn't have much time to spend with me. That affected me negatively in the teen years. If you want me to cry at the drop of the hat, just get me to thinking about him someday dying, and leaving me without him. I can be doing anything and when that thought floats by, I'm reduced to sobbing. I wish my dad knew how much he could heal in my family if he would just make us feel more important than work."

This email hit me hard...No way do I want my daughter to ever feel like this. But, like most of you, the grind of life could make me forget about what is important, just like this father apparently had.

Life is no doubt tough right now. Most everyone is having to spend more time trying to stay afloat, working longer hours, spending time not only physically at work, but when home, mentally at work. And because technology keeps us connected 24/7, we are able to stay connected to work all day and all night long. Because of this, we tend to forget about the special people, and special things we need to continually do.

Understand the role you play as a positive influence in people's lives (especially your family). Spending a little extra time with a loved one, actively encouraging someone, and/or doing things for others for no other purpose but to help them out. These things make a positive impact in people's lives. These people will look back and remember, forever, this gift you gave them.

Think about the people who have done this for you. Think about the way you felt the last time someone genuinely told you that you did an outstanding job. Think of the last person who took time out of their day to do something just for you. Think of the last person who encouraged your effort or your talent out of nowhere.

In Coach Tony Dungy's latest book, Uncommon, he asks a few questions that we should think about daily:

"When was the last time you went to visit someone who needed a visit? When was the last time you made a call--or wrote a letter--to someone who could use a lift in his or her life? When was the last time you had a date with your spouse or a "date night." with your little girl, who adores you? When was the last time you sent flowers to someone for no particular reason? When was the last time you did something that will forever be a positive memory in someone's life? When was the last time you were an encourager for someone else?

Life is tough enough right now. This is a time in our history that is leaving a lot of painful memories for people. I challenge you as my friends, my family, and my team to put your work away a little this week and go make a positive memory for someone. Then, learn to make it a living habit.


And if that doesn't get you fired up this link below may be the only thing that may. It's what I wish my team meetings were more like:)


Have a Great Week!

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