Monday, August 31, 2009


The biggest detriment to your "potential" in who you are and what you do is lack of focus.

These days our focus is pulled in millions of directions. If you do not refocus daily you will undoubtedly find yourself in a rut, unmotivated, and attention overload.

My father-in-law, a successful entrepreneur, loves the saying, "success leaves clues." This means that success is not a mystery, it's a process.

The first step is easy. Know what you want. The second requires a little more effort. Go find the resources that give the processes of success in what you want. Third is where most people stop. Go and start doing it. In the fourth step, you find out if this is what your "really" want. This requires focusing and committing to your goal, purpose, or mission everyday. And it requires doing it when you don't feel like it, when all your friends are doing something fun, and even when you fail and fail and fail again.

In the book the Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren writes about the power of focus and how it relates to light:

"The power of focusing can be seen in light. Diffused light has little power or impact, but you can concentrate its energy by focusing it. With a magnifying glass, the rays of sun can be focused to set grass or paper on fire. When light is focused even more as a laser beam, it can cut through steel. There is nothing quite like a potent and focused life, one lived on purpose. the men and women who have made the greatest difference in history were the most focused."

Refocus this week. I have found this to be the most powerful question I can ask myself all the time, "What is the most productive thing I can be doing with my time right now?

Now put some freakin laser beams on your head and Get After It!

And also....If you need a Monday morning laugh, Click on this the link below for a classic You Tube clip.

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