Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was watching a story about two celebrity brothers who are famous Bull Fighters in Spain.

In an interview with the younger brother, they asked him something to the effect of, "Does it scare you that you may die or be seriously injured every time you step into the ring?"

His answer was profound.

He said something to the fact of, "Yes, but it is good to have fear, because without it, you would surely be killed or malled."

He then said, "I like it because it takes me to my limit every time. And because of this I have found out what I am made of, who I really am."

I was intrigued that this young bullfighter was able to look at his profession his lively hood as something that showed him what he was made of every time he went out to compete.

When is the last time you tried to find your limit?

The limit muscle is the same as any other muscle. If you do not seek to stress it, it will slowly atrophy and it will lose its strength.

Do you have something in your life that takes you to that limit? A place where you go to learn a little more about what you are capable of and who you are? Do you have a ring with an angry bull waiting to fight?"

Here is how you know you do not have a ring with a bull in it:

1) Your life is boring, Your life is all about you.
2) You spend your time searching for quick fixes and quick pleasure
3) You get no satisfaction out of a good days work or training because there was no purpose.
4) You are in the same or worse place now as you were a year, 3 years, or even 10 years ago.
5) You are scared to go after what your heart is telling you to do.

Taking yourself to that limit is like walking into a ring with an angry bull. But consistently taking yourself there not only gives you the motivation to prepare on a daily basis for the fight, but in the end tells you what who you really are and what you're capable of.

This week find a bull to fight--


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